Oxygen 2000 is a fully Digital Broadcast Console designed for On Air and Production in any Radio Station: a compact 6 faders unit, 3 microphone inputs with Automix, with a powerful internal audio routing and a wide range of controls and I/O in a rugged and classy steel chassis.
Oxygen 2000 DSP based audio processing delivers high-end quality and guarantees latest features and flexibility.
Reliable and easy to use as an analogue mixing console Oxygen 2000 offers top class features: Low Latency, Users Preset, Smart Keys, EQ, Compressors, Telephone Hybrid, HDMI Output, Analogue and Digital I/O, USB, BT, Dante™ AoIP, Telco, Presenter Talk Box.
Oxygen 2000 can be remotely controlled through the Oxygen Remoter tool.

Oxygen 2000 Rear
- 5 microphone inputs with Automix.
- 3 stereo analogue inputs (4 if the console is configured for 3 Mic).
- 4 stereo analogue outputs.
- 1 built-in telephone hybrid.
- 1+4 telco interface with GPIO.
- Bluetooth audio interface.
- 1 digital Out (AES/EBU).
- 2 USB audio interfaces.

- Fully Digital Broadcast Console for Radio Broadcasting with 12 faders.
- A/B Fast source switch buttons for each fader.
- 4+1 busses (PGM, SUB, Aux1, Aux2, PFL).
- Near 0 latency (< 0,7 ms I/O).
- Complete Remote Control by means of an application replicating the surface.
- Remote configuration and maintenance via Web Interface.
- User-definable Presets & Snapshot.
- 5 bands fully parametric Equalizer on every input.
- Dynamic Processor with expander and compressor section on each microphone inputs.
- Advanced and configurable Monitor Facilities for Control Room and Studio.
- Customizable RGB colored buttons.
- High Resolution (120 leds) meter bars for outputs.
- HDMI Out for console status display.
- 2 Timers (Ctrl-Room and Studio microphones timers on HDMI Monitor).
- TalkBox for guest and presenter (optional).

Nakadif Media® wishes you a fruitful broadcasting as you embark on a journey to help in the development of your community for a better country. All the best!