
Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Start?

Register your company at the Registrar General's Department as a company limited by guarantee for community radio application or as a company limited by shares for commercial radio application, prepare your application documents, submit your application documents together with a bankers draft of the application fee for your application type to NCA, purchase equipement and setup your station when the license request is granted. Contact Nakadif Media®, we will cover you from scratch to finish.

Does -3dBd Antenna Gain Means I Will Lose Half Of My Output Power?

In a true circular polarization, half of your signal is in the vertical plane while the other half is in the horizontal plane. This means that, 50% of your output power is in the vertical plane and the remaining 50% in the horizontal plane. You don't lose anything; all of the 100% output power is still there. Read More

How Far Will My Transmitter Cover?

Expect from 1 kilometer to 300 kilometers or more depending on the amount of output power of the transmitter (TPO), the type of antenna used, the type of coaxial cable used, the length of coaxial cable used, the height of the antenna above average terrain (HAAT), the amount and height of trees in the area around the antenna, the amount and height of buildings around the antenna, the type of terrain surrounding the antenna site whether flat or hilly. Read More

What Equipment Do I need To Start My Radio Station?

The equipment needed to start your radio station depends on the type of radio and your budget. You need a transmitter, antenna, RF transmission lines, broadcast mixer, audio cables, microphones, headphones, audio processor, and many others. Check Out Our Packages

What Is The Coverage Radius Limit For FM Radio In Ghana?

The maximum distance radius of FM radio station in Ghana depends on the type of broadcast authorisation an applicant applied for. Maximum coverage radius for Commercial and Public Foreign FM radio broadcasting stations is 45km, Community and Campus FM radio broadcasting stations is 5km. In cases where the definition of the community and the terrain require a variation, the NCA shall make extensions to the coverage area but this shall not exceed 25km in any case. Click Here To Get More Indepth Note